The Ultimate Guide to Internet Trolls: Definition, Psychology, and Impact

definition of internet troll


Hey there, readers! Welcome to our comprehensive exploration of the enigmatic world of internet trolls. These mischievous creatures can be a source of both annoyance and amusement, but what exactly are they and why do they do what they do? Join us as we delve into the depths of trolling, unraveling its definition, motives, and far-reaching consequences.

Definition of Internet Troll

An internet troll is an individual who intentionally provokes or elicits negative reactions from others online. They often engage in disruptive or inflammatory behavior, seeking to sow discord and chaos. Unlike constructive critics or genuine dissenters, trolls have no interest in meaningful dialogue or problem-solving. Their sole purpose is to cause trouble and stir up controversy.

The Psychology of Trolling

What drives people to become trolls? Research suggests that several psychological factors may contribute:


Many trolls crave attention and validation. They perceive negative reactions as a form of acknowledgment, boosting their self-esteem.

Boredom and Lack of Purpose

Some trolls are simply bored or lack a sense of purpose in their lives. Trolling provides an outlet for their pent-up energy and a temporary escape from reality.

Powerlessness and Insecurity

Trolls may also exhibit feelings of powerlessness and insecurity. They use trolling as a way to assert control and compensate for their perceived inadequacy.

Manifestations of Trolling

Internet trolls can express their mischievous nature in a variety of ways:


Flaming refers to posting inflammatory or offensive messages that are designed to provoke emotional reactions.


Trolls use baiting to entice others into engaging with them. They post controversial or outrageous statements to spark outrage or ignite flame wars.


Trolling is the act of posting irrelevant or off-topic comments or questions in online forums or discussions.

The Impact of Trolling

While trolling may seem like harmless fun to some, it can have serious consequences:

Negative Online Atmosphere

Trolling creates a hostile and unwelcoming online environment. It discourages meaningful conversations, promotes division, and drives away valuable contributors.

Emotional Distress

Trolls can cause significant emotional distress to their victims. They may experience feelings of anger, frustration, and anxiety.

Reputation Damage

Trolling can damage the reputation of individuals, businesses, and organizations. Negative and misleading information spread by trolls can have lasting consequences.

Table: Types of Internet Trolls

Troll Type Characteristics Motivations
Flame Troll Posts inflammatory and offensive messages Attention-seeking, power assertion
Bait Troll Entices others into engaging with them Attention-seeking, validation
Topic Troll Posts irrelevant or off-topic comments Disruption, boredom
Personal Troll Targets specific individuals with harassment Personal vendetta, power assertion
Corporate Troll Hired to manipulate online discussions Financial gain, reputation management


Internet trolls are a perplexing and sometimes frustrating phenomenon. While their antics may provide temporary amusement, their behavior can have detrimental effects on online communities and individuals alike. By understanding the definition, psychology, and impact of trolling, we can better equip ourselves to effectively counter their disruptive tactics. Check out our other articles for more insights into the fascinating world of internet behavior.

FAQ about Internet Trolls

What is an Internet troll?

An Internet troll is a person who posts inflammatory or off-topic messages on online forums, social media, or other platforms, with the intent to provoke a reaction or disruption.

Why do people troll?

Trolls may have various motives, such as boredom, attention-seeking, or a desire to spread misinformation or sow discord.

Are all trolls malicious?

Not all trolls are malicious. Some may simply engage in playful banter or harmless pranks, while others may have more malicious intent.

How can I identify a troll?

Common indicators of a troll include using multiple accounts, posting deliberately provocative or offensive messages, and engaging in personal attacks.

What should I do if I encounter a troll?

The best response to a troll is often to ignore them. If you engage with them, you may be giving them the attention they crave. If their behavior crosses a line, report them to the platform moderators.

Can I report a troll to the authorities?

Trolling is generally not a criminal offense. However, if a troll engages in harassment, defamation, or other illegal activities, they may be held accountable under the law.

How can I avoid becoming a troll?

To avoid becoming a troll, remember to be respectful of others, avoid posting inflammatory or off-topic messages, and focus on positive and constructive contributions.

Is it acceptable to troll back at a troll?

Trolling back at a troll is generally not an effective approach. It may only escalate the situation and make it more difficult to resolve.

What is a troll farm?

A troll farm is an organized group of individuals employed to spread disinformation or propaganda online. Troll farms often use multiple fake accounts to amplify their messages and create the illusion of widespread support.

Are Internet trolls a threat to democracy?

Trolls can pose a threat to democracy by spreading misinformation, undermining trust in institutions, and polarizing public opinion. They can also be used to influence elections or promote extremist agendas.
